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The API is based on JSON-RPC 2.0 specs. The user works as a client and a resource node provides service as a server.

When the client sends a request to the server by calling to a method, the server sends the response back as the return.

The format of a request message is:


The format of a response message is:


When "return" object in "result" is a string encoded negative number, it carries an error.

    "-1":  GENERIC_ERR           
    "-4":  WRONG_FILE_SIZE 
    "-6":  FILE_REQ_FAILURE 
    "-7":  WRONG_INPUT 
    "-8":  WRONG_PP_ADDRESS 
    "-11": WRONG_FILE_INFO 

Upload a File🔗︎

Three methods are used to accomplish uploading a file.

  • user_requestGetOzone: get ozone balance and sequence number
  • user_requestUpload: start uploading a file
  • user_uploadData: upload a piece of file data


A request for ozone needs to be done before uploading a file. This method allows a check for ozone balance and a sequence number to be used in next uploading methods.


name type comment
walletaddr string wallet address of the user account
#### Returns
name type comment
return string negative: errors; "1": success and expect for next user_uploadData; other values: invalid
ozone string the balance of nano ozone of this wallet
sequencynumber string a sequence number to be used in uploading a file



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "user_requestGetOzone",
  "params": [
      "walletaddr": "st1r2gh2h8kjtz4slek6aua95ukyd8zmey2y9uatt"
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "return": "0",
    "ozone": "257695561060",
    "sequencynumber": "SN:0000000000000000028"


To request to upload a file. The result could carry the offsets of a piece of the file to be uploaded if the request succeeded.


name type comment
filename string name of the file
filesize number size of the file, in byte
filehash string file hash to identify a file 1
signature object signature on this message
desired_tier number the desired tier to store the file
allow_higher_tier boolean if higher tier allowed when no desired tier can't be found
req_time number the epoch time when this request is made

Object signature

name type comment
address string wallet address of the user account
pubkey string public key of wallet address
signature string signed on a message 23


name type comment
return string negative: errors; "1": success and expect for next user_uploadData; other values: invalid
offsetstart number the offset of beginning of the piece of file data, inclusive
offsetend number the offset of end of the piece of file data, exclusive



 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "method": "user_requestUpload",
 "params": [
   "filename": "test_10m",
   "filesize": 10485760,
   "filehash": "v05j1m571efv3vuk3tq7airrfglanjvts4jrd4l8",
   "signature": {
    "address": "st144ykkar9fhl8khs7lwz0s7py9vj4w9adp37kt9",
    "pubkey": "stpub1q0ska45w724dy0n0jujuqcvn2c80fa9c69dth0v9flacxrxp7w2rsncclps",
    "signature": "178e5a84d721d8893b402fb502cbd66dbc349536f720bdaabd1674cd99e3a5272cd8a40ba0da9a61fe71abb1d0c4530de44983531b99d0e349a801e46c7b16d100"
   "desired_tier": 2,
   "allow_higher_tier": true,
   "req_time": 1701267007


 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "result": {
  "return": "1",
  "offsetstart": 0,
  "offsetend": 3500000


Send a piece of file data to server according to the offset previously provided by the server.


name type comment
filehash string file hash to identify a file
data string data of the piece of the file 4


name type comment
return string negative: errors; "1": success and offsets for next user_uploadData; "0": finished uploading; other values: invalid
offsetstart number the offset of begining of the piece of file data, inclusive
offsetend number the offset of end of the piece of file data, exclusive



 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "method": "user_uploadData",
 "params": [
   "filehash": "v05j1m571efv3vuk3tq7airrfglanjvts4jrd4l8",
   "data": "xfYRzYszM+NbWW/nZJZqmI8W9aGlaFt7SBkkuL5nkx/5L ... "


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "return": "1",
    "offsetstart": 3500000,
    "offsetend": 7000000

List Files🔗︎

List files owned by this account.


Request listing files owned by the account with the wallet address.


name type comment
signature object signature on this message
page number the list is paginated. Page number start from 0.
req_time number the epoch time when this request is made

Object signature

name type comment
address string wallet address of the user account
pubkey string public key of wallet address
signature string signed on a message 23


name type comment
return string negative: errors; "0": success; other value: invalid
fileinfo objects information for each file

In fileinof, these objects are included

name type comment
filehash string file hash to identify the file 1
filesize number size of the file, in byte
filename string name of the file
createtime number unix epoch time when the file was created



 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "method": "user_requestList",
 "params": [
   "signature": {
    "address": "st144ykkar9fhl8khs7lwz0s7py9vj4w9adp37kt9",
    "pubkey": "stpub1q0ska45w724dy0n0jujuqcvn2c80fa9c69dth0v9flacxrxp7w2rsncclps",
    "signature": "75d54f5b302d5c9d34ba0fe70153b4a1d7b6e54be90585ab706dc97ce038da4431a4053f976c14d1227af2a14b5a61a5133da634380e9d7ba67830cc52c2ec5001"
   "page": 0,
   "req_time": 1701313602


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "return": "0",
    "fileinfo": [
        "filehash": "v05ahm51atjqkpte7gnqa94bl3p731odvvdvfvo8",
        "filesize": 200000000,
        "filename": "file1_200M_jan22",
        "createtime": 1674433580
        "filehash": "v05ahm51buqelg70rjmcbqtn2qijc7um0ds1oedo",
        "filesize": 10000000,
        "filename": "file2_10M_jan20",
        "createtime": 1674250085
        "filehash": "v05ahm52po4iteumn1v58o3marnruc7l75km9rv8",
        "filesize": 50000000,
        "filename": "file3_50M_jan20",
        "createtime": 1674250338
        "filehash": "v05ahm53ec2f5c9lh92cqapp0mvtfcdphj1deb00",
        "filesize": 100000000,
        "filename": "file1_100M_jan20",
        "createtime": 1674240637
        "filehash": "v05ahm54ia4o2p8vjpluolshiugn1mrgqqhht6o0",
        "filesize": 209715200,
        "filename": "test_200m.bin",
        "createtime": 1674489434
        "filehash": "v05ahm54qtdk0oogho52ujtk5v6rdlpbhumfshmg",
        "filesize": 10000000,
        "filename": "file4_10M_jan20",
        "createtime": 1674253605
    "totalnumber": 6

Download a File🔗︎

To download a file, there are four methods to be used.

  • user_requestGetOzone: get ozone balance and sequence number
  • user_requestDownload: to start downloading the file
  • user_downloadData: to request a piece of file data
  • user_downloadedFileInfo: request server verification of the downloaded file


A request for ozone needs to be done before uploading a file. This method allows a check for ozone balance and a sequence number to be used in next uploading methods.


name type comment
walletaddr string wallet address of the user account
#### Returns
name type comment
return string negative: errors; "1": success and expect for next user_uploadData; other values: invalid
ozone string the balance of nano ozone of this wallet
sequencynumber string a sequence number to be used in uploading a file



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "user_requestGetOzone",
  "params": [
      "walletaddr": "st1r2gh2h8kjtz4slek6aua95ukyd8zmey2y9uatt"
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "return": "0",
    "ozone": "257695561060",
    "sequencynumber": "SN:0000000000000000028"


To start downloading a file. A piece of fire data is carried in the response while successfully started.


name type comment
filehandle string url of the file in sdm:// format 5
signature object signature on this message
req_time number the epoch time when this request is made
Object signature
name type comment
address string wallet address of the user account
pubkey string public key of wallet address
signature string signed on a message 23


name type comment
return string negative: errors; "2": file data provided; other value: invalid
reqid string to identify download instances when multiple download happen at same time
offsetstart number the offset of beginning of the piece of file data, inclusive
offsetend number the offset of end of the piece of file data, exclusive
filename string the name of the file
filedata string data of the piece of the file 4



 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "method": "user_requestDownload",
 "params": [
   "filehandle": "sdm://st144ykkar9fhl8khs7lwz0s7py9vj4w9adp37kt9/v05j1m571efv3vuk3tq7airrfglanjvts4jrd4l8",
   "signature": {
    "address": "st144ykkar9fhl8khs7lwz0s7py9vj4w9adp37kt9",
    "pubkey": "stpub1q0ska45w724dy0n0jujuqcvn2c80fa9c69dth0v9flacxrxp7w2rsncclps",
    "signature": "9f8a13fe02cebe66b5144d7ef308c5b1c4d2f2f47a5509fa0921fd16463e2f4f66e77ed8068934307e39a47630e3ff4c3ff62fca403eedc3b9a59997ce145d6400"
   "req_time": 1701314045


  "filedata":"xfYRzYszM+NbWW/nZJZqmI8W9aGz+uNVZJAUUDdoUpbnVvd2fOFJcz54642jxk5ZjcIQQv1i/lVehc36v/Czk0Pi5PPxZK ... "


After the user handles previous piece of file data, this method is called to get the next piece.


name type comment
filehash string file hash to identify a file 1
reqid string the same reqid get from response of user_requestDownload


name type comment
return string negative: errors; "2": file data provided; "3": no data and ask for calling user_downloadedFileInfo
reqid string to identify download instances when multiple download happen at same time
offsetstart number the offset of beginning of the piece of file data, inclusive
offsetend number the offset of end of the piece of file data, exclusive
filename string the name of the file
filedata string data of the piece of the file 4



 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "method": "user_downloadData",
 "params": [
   "filehash": "v05ahm51buqelg70rjmcbqtn2qijc7um0ds1oedo",
   "reqid": "c97eafef-401f-49d1-bff3-7ce9eaa2c2dd"


 "result": {
   "return": "2",
   "offsetstart": 3145728,
   "offsetend": 6291456,
   "filename": "test_10m",
   "filedata": "QYILair4V84YdEyU+9kfOfwrGmNz7OIkxzlTcKiMk4aNcmwiLMDXScf+S17gUWpQds8oW88eLFCqdOaHPmrZYmqhFjGFV ... "

Another Instance of Response

 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "result": {
  "return": "3",
  "reqid": "c97eafef-401f-49d1-bff3-7ce9eaa2c2dd"


After the user received all pieces of the file and a response of user_downloadData with return value "3", this method is called to let the server verify file information and finish downloading.


name type comment
filehash string recalculated file hash upon the received file 1
filesize number size of the file, in byte
reqid string the same reqid get from response of user_requestDownload


name type comment
return string negative: errors; "0": successful finished; other values: invalid



 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "method": "user_downloadedFileInfo",
 "params": [
   "filehash": "v05ahm51buqelg70rjmcbqtn2qijc7um0ds1oedo",
   "filesize": 10000000,
   "reqid": "c97eafef-401f-49d1-bff3-7ce9eaa2c2dd"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "return": "0"

Share a File🔗︎



name type comment
filehash string file hash to identify a file 1
signature object signature on this message
duration number duration in second sharing the file
privateflag bool if the file is private
req_time number the epoch time when this request is made

Object signature

name type comment
address string wallet address of the user account
pubkey string public key of wallet address
signature string signed on a message 23


name type comment
return string negative: errors; "0": success; other values: invalid
shareid string uniq identifier for this sharing
sharelink string link for accessing this shared file



 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "method": "user_requestShare",
 "params": [
   "filehash": "v05j1m571efv3vuk3tq7airrfglanjvts4jrd4l8",
   "signature": {
    "address": "st144ykkar9fhl8khs7lwz0s7py9vj4w9adp37kt9",
    "pubkey": "stpub1q0ska45w724dy0n0jujuqcvn2c80fa9c69dth0v9flacxrxp7w2rsncclps",
    "signature": "c1d2b4b427689cdb7a9e5cdc58a405190e07bc608ec492c2efa0bba0d7c05ec11e963ed9b78a303a6adae608642d10257b70214acad8dac658b42d11bba998f001"
   "duration": 0,
   "bool": false,
   "req_time": 1701315117


 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "result": {
  "return": "0",
  "shareid": "78a8fe38a826fed4",
  "sharelink": "RHumTB_78a8fe38a826fed4"

Stop Sharing a File🔗︎



name type comment
signature object signature on this message
shareid string a uniq identifier for this sharing
req_time number the epoch time when this request is made

Object signature

name type comment
address string wallet address of the user account
pubkey string public key of wallet address
signature string signed on a message 23


name type comment
return string negative: errors; "0": success; other values: invalid



 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "method": "user_requestStopShare",
 "params": [
   "signature": {
    "address": "st144ykkar9fhl8khs7lwz0s7py9vj4w9adp37kt9",
    "pubkey": "stpub1q0ska45w724dy0n0jujuqcvn2c80fa9c69dth0v9flacxrxp7w2rsncclps",
    "signature": "83e9ae4ab17df35ab73b63104710414029adc5ebe1811c01fe1c75e1c95b58cd3efdb53aced3446390101945546e585fe5e5e351df74a95bb89fee3412e912c900"
   "shareid": "06bcfdbe7e0d2cbb",
   "req_time": 1701315426


 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "result": {
  "return": "0"

List shared files🔗︎



name type comment
page number the list is paginated. Page number start from 0.
req_time number the epoch time when this request is made
signature object signature on this message

Object signature

name type comment
address string wallet address of the user account
pubkey string public key of wallet address
signature string signed on a message 23


name type comment
return string negative: errors; "0": success; other values: invalid
fileinfo array list of shared files

In fileinof, these objects are included

name type comment
filesize number size of the file, in byte
filehash string file hash to identify the file 1
filename string name of the file
linktime number unix epoch time when the file started being shared
linktimeexp number unix epoch time when file share is expired
shareid string a uniq identifier for this sharing
sharelink string the link for accessing this shared file



 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "method": "user_requestListShare",
 "params": [
   "signature": {
    "address": "st144ykkar9fhl8khs7lwz0s7py9vj4w9adp37kt9",
    "pubkey": "stpub1q0ska45w724dy0n0jujuqcvn2c80fa9c69dth0v9flacxrxp7w2rsncclps",
    "signature": "e176392ac2d195d0e5b1510463ce1d2a13c338b5ed7311e5da9f2252de39c4f91ab4444f0bb24fb8ea77fd33ef972706cc7945adbf9580f77cedbac65df03ea701"
   "page": 0,
   "req_time": 1701315596


 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "result": {
  "return": "0",
  "fileinfo": [
    "filehash": "v05ahm51buqelg70rjmcbqtn2qijc7um0ds1oedo",
    "filesize": 10000000,
    "filename": "file2_10M_jan20",
    "linktime": 1675051834,
    "linktimeexp": 1675055434,
    "shareid": "23929411ce338824",
    "sharelink": "udixcc_23929411ce338824"
    "filehash": "v05ahm51buqelg70rjmcbqtn2qijc7um0ds1oedo",
    "filesize": 10000000,
    "filename": "file2_10M_jan20",
    "linktime": 1675051919,
    "linktimeexp": 1675055519,
    "shareid": "76d88022afb10203",
    "sharelink": "OqhU3X_76d88022afb10203"
    "filehash": "v05ahm51buqelg70rjmcbqtn2qijc7um0ds1oedo",
    "filesize": 10000000,
    "filename": "file2_10M_jan20",
    "linktime": 1675051426,
    "linktimeexp": 1690603426,
    "shareid": "9025a905e28fe791",
    "sharelink": "UfBayn_9025a905e28fe791"
  "totalnumber": 3

Download a Shared File🔗︎

There are for methods to be used to download a shared file.

  • user_requestGetShared: get information of shared file
  • user_requestDownloadShared: similar to user_requestDownload method for downloading a file, start downloading the shared file
  • user_downloadData: same method used for downloading a file, downloading a piece of file data
  • user_downloadedFileInfo: same method used for downloading a file, requesting file verification



name type comment
sharelink string link for accessing this shared file
req_time number the epoch time when this request is made
signature object signature on this message

Object signature

name type comment
address string wallet address of the user account
pubkey string public key of wallet address
signature string signed on a message 23


name type comment
return string negative: errors; "4": got shared file info; other values: invalid
reqid string to identify download instances when multiple download happen at same time
filehash string file hash to identify a file
sequencenumber string a sequence number to be used in uploading a file



 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "method": "user_requestGetShared",
 "params": [
   "signature": {
    "address": "st144ykkar9fhl8khs7lwz0s7py9vj4w9adp37kt9",
    "pubkey": "stpub1q0ska45w724dy0n0jujuqcvn2c80fa9c69dth0v9flacxrxp7w2rsncclps",
    "signature": "3e43680bb6b801a7847652aaaddf0efeda6f3c73382b1a4aea63388b1f17fe9468998172e5b00fbeb8e5c6f3d35ecfe02d4101dca17628423518e69b29a5470100"
   "sharelink": "eozCrm_014cc2f5388a911c",
   "req_time": 1701315818


 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "result": {
  "return": "4",
  "reqid": "31d1e975-cd8b-4631-8185-bee592ca3e34",
  "filehash": "v05j1m571efv3vuk3tq7airrfglanjvts4jrd4l8",
  "sequencenumber": "SN:0000000000000000001"



name type comment
filehash string file hash to identify a file 1
reqid string the same reqid get from response of user_requestGetShared
req_time number the epoch time when this request is made
signature object signature on this message

Object signature

name type comment
address string wallet address of the user account
pubkey string public key of wallet address
signature string signed on a message 23


name type comment
return string negative: errors; "4": got shared file info; other values: invalid
reqid string to identify download instances when multiple download happen at same time
offsetstart number the offset of beginning of the piece of file data, inclusive
offsetend number the offset of end of the piece of file data, exclusive
filename string the name of the file
filedata string data of the piece of the file 4



 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "method": "user_requestDownloadShared",
 "params": [
   "filehash": "v05j1m571efv3vuk3tq7airrfglanjvts4jrd4l8",
   "signature": {
    "address": "st144ykkar9fhl8khs7lwz0s7py9vj4w9adp37kt9",
    "pubkey": "stpub1q0ska45w724dy0n0jujuqcvn2c80fa9c69dth0v9flacxrxp7w2rsncclps",
    "signature": "2b68b0d3ddc981ba8b7e366e90901fe57cd1ef7b3caea4afb0eb8588b3025fe843c35ddf26ecf1a0cece5d48c633c7b9cd84c6311452d0e1c075f5ab030e773600"
   "reqid": "31d1e975-cd8b-4631-8185-bee592ca3e34",
   "req_time": 1701315818


 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "result": {
  "return": "2",
  "reqid": "e59fb32c-0579-4762-9edf-89f71a17a60b",
  "offsetstart": 0,
  "offsetend": 3145728,
  "filename": "test_10m",
  "filedata": "xfYRzYszM+NbWW/nZJZqmI8W9aGlaFt7SBkkuL5nkx/5LGjc9aKNXsyNxloYrgs30B4KmG2uDZWvS803FPxjzbOHvs7dNu3ZZQxf7yrKeDxQB1lL2n ... "


Please see same method under section Download a File


Please see same method under section Download a File

Get Ozone Balance🔗︎



name type comment
walletaddr string wallet address of the user account


name type comment
return string negative: errors; "0": got shared file info; other values: invalid
ozone string value of ozone balance
sequencynumber string a sequence number to be used in uploading a file
#### Example


 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "method": "user_requestGetOzone",
 "params": [
   "walletaddr": "st19nn9fnlzkpm3hah3pstz0wq496cehclpru8m3u"


 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "id": 1,
 "result": {
  "return": "0",
  "ozone": "999951054180",
  "sequencynumber": "SN:0000000000000000001"

  1. filehash uses Keccak-256 

  2. the message for signature is [file_hash] + [walletaddr], e.g. the string of "v05ahm52b88i4lh1epel0cmce6606duatmml4o48st19nn9fnlzkpm3hah3pstz0wq496cehclpru8m3u" when file hash is "v05ahm52b88i4lh1epel0cmce6606duatmml4o48" and wallet address is "st19nn9fnlzkpm3hah3pstz0wq496cehclpru8m3u" 

  3. after getting signed, the signature bytes are encoded into hex string. 

  4. data is encoded using standard Base64 as defined in RFC 4648. 

  5. smd://[owner wallet address]/[file hash]