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SDS IPFS Command Handbook🔗︎

IPFS Client🔗︎

The ppd ipfs command launches an RPC-style API over HTTP client to allow user interact with a SDS Network. The API aligns with the Kubo RPC API of IPFS so that any application that supports IPFS Kubo RPC API could be updated to support SDS network with little effort. The client needs to communicate with a SDS resource node to interact with the network. For setting up a SDS resource node please refer to Setup and run a SDS Resource Node

ppd ipfs -h

ipfs api server attached to node demon

  ppd ipfs [flags]
  ppd ipfs [command]

Available Commands:
  migrate     migrate ipfs file to sds

  -h, --help                 help for ipfs
      --httpRpcUrl string    http rpc url (default "")
      --ipcEndpoint string   ipc endpoint path
  -p, --port string          port (default "6798")
  -m, --rpcMode string       use httpRpc or ipc (default "ipc")
      --password string      password to wallet

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   configuration file path  (default "./config/config.toml")
  -r, --home string     path for the node (default "<root directory of your resource node>")

Use "ppd ipfs [command] --help" for more information about a command.

There are two modes to communicate to a SDS resource node, and it could be switched by the --rpcMode flag

  • httpRpc mode is to send RPC request over http. In this mode the httpRpcUrl flag must point to the rpc port of the resource node
    ppd ipfs --rpcMode httpRpc --httpRpcUrl http://<node url>:<node rpc port>
  • ipc mode is to send PRC requests over IPC (Inter-process communication). The path to the ipc endpoint is set by the flag ipcEndpoint. The default path will be used when flag is not set.
    ppd ipfs --rpcMode ipc --ipcEndpoint <path to the ipc endpoint>

RPC Commands🔗︎


Upload a file to SDS.
Arguments - arg [string]: The path to the file on the local driver. Required: yes.

cURL Example

curl -X POST  "localhost:6798/api/v0/add?arg=testfile"


Download a file from SDS.
Arguments - arg [string]: sdm path to the file in the SDS. The format is <sdm://account/filehash>. Required: yes.


Every file uploaded to SDS is attributed with a unique file hash.

View the file hash for each of your files when you list your uploaded files.

The downloaded files will be saved into the folder download by default under the root directory of your resource node, like

cURL Example

curl -X POST  "localhost:6798/api/v0/get?arg=sdm://st172v4u8ysfgaphjs8uyy0svvc6d6tzl6gp07kn4/v05ahm51l6v6tm2vqc682b9sicom61fgkoqdl0pg"


Lists all files uploaded by account (wallet).
Arguments - page [string]: page number. Each page contains 20 elements. Required: no.

cURL Example

curl -X POST  "localhost:6798/api/v0/ls?page=0"

IPFS Migrate🔗︎

The ppd ipfs migrate command migrates a file from IPFS to SDS network. It first downloads the file from the IPS by the given CID and then uploads it to the SDS network.

ppd ipfs migrate <filecid> <filename>
filecid is the cid of the file to downloaded from IPFS.
filename is an optional parameter. When it is given, the file will be renamed to filename before it is uploaded to the SDS network.


ipfs -m httpRpc migrate QmSgvgwxZGaBLqkGyWemEDqikCqU52XxsYLKtdy3vGZ8uq spaceship.jpg

API server listening at: [::]:40255
[INFO] 2023/08/03 09:16:03 file.go:126: -- Getting an IPFS node running -- 
Spawning Kubo node on a temporary repo
2023/08/03 09:16:03 failed to sufficiently increase receive buffer size (was: 208 kiB, wanted: 2048 kiB, got: 416 kiB). See for details.
[INFO] 2023/08/03 09:16:13 file.go:147: IPFS node is running
[INFO] 2023/08/03 09:16:13 file.go:149: -- getting back files --
[INFO] 2023/08/03 09:16:13 file.go:157: output folder: /tmp/ipfs/QmSgvgwxZGaBLqkGyWemEDqikCqU52XxsYLKtdy3vGZ8uq
[INFO] 2023/08/03 09:16:14 file.go:176: got file back from IPFS (IPFS path: /ipfs/QmSgvgwxZGaBLqkGyWemEDqikCqU52XxsYLKtdy3vGZ8uq) and wrote it to /tmp/ipfs/QmSgvgwxZGaBLqkGyWemEDqikCqU52XxsYLKtdy3vGZ8uq/spaceship.jpg
[DEBUG] 2023/08/03 09:16:14 file.go:48: filehash v05ahm50sk6ldkpg2j11c5qdm5q1arair6rvuivo
[INFO] 2023/08/03 09:16:14 rootcmd.go:59: - start uploading the file: /tmp/ipfs/QmSgvgwxZGaBLqkGyWemEDqikCqU52XxsYLKtdy3vGZ8uq/spaceship.jpg
[INFO] 2023/08/03 09:16:14 rootcmd.go:67: - request get ozone (method: user_requestGetOzone)
[DEBUG] 2023/08/03 09:16:18 requester.go:36: -->  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"user_requestGetOzone","params":[{"walletaddr":"st1vvysda6ylqz2adauqg4djsz4rx6hv6mqv9fepp"}]}
[DEBUG] 2023/08/03 09:16:18 requester.go:57: <--  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":{"return":"0","ozone":"19660978","sequencynumber":"SN:0000000000000000011"}}

[INFO] 2023/08/03 09:16:18 rootcmd.go:81: - request uploading file (method: user_requestUpload)
[DEBUG] 2023/08/03 09:16:18 requester.go:38: -->  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"user_requestUpload","params":[{"filename":"/tmp/ipfs/QmSgvgwxZGaBLqkGyWemEDqikCqU52XxsYLKtdy3vGZ8uq/spaceship.jpg","filesize":276382,"filehash":"v05a ... "}]}
[DEBUG] 2023/08/03 09:16:18 requester.go:57: <--  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":{"return":"1","offsetstart":0,"offsetend":276382}}

[INFO] 2023/08/03 09:16:18 rootcmd.go:91: - received response (return: UPLOAD_DATA)
[INFO] 2023/08/03 09:16:18 rootcmd.go:103: - request upload date (method: user_uploadData)
[DEBUG] 2023/08/03 09:16:18 requester.go:38: -->  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"user_uploadData","params":[{"filehash":"v05ahm50sk6ldkpg2j11c5qdm5q1arair6rvuivo","data":"/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD/4gIcSUNDX1BST0ZJTEUAAQEAAAIMbGNtcwIQAABtbnRyUkdCIFhZWiAH3AABABkAAwApADlhY3NwQV ... "}]}
[DEBUG] 2023/08/03 09:16:18 requester.go:57: <--  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":{"return":"0"}}

[INFO] 2023/08/03 09:16:18 rootcmd.go:111: - uploading is done
uploading is done