Full-Chain Node
Stratos blockchain facilitates all decentralized ledger transactions and functionalities, providing settlement services and related financial payment services for network providers and network users in an efficient, fair and transparent manner.
The Stratos-chain full-nodes are dedicated servers with sufficient computing power that participate in block generation cycle. It is necessary in order to be a validator.
In practice, running a full-node only implies running a non-compromised and up-to-date version of the software with low network latency and without downtime. It is encouraged to run a full-node even if you do not plan to be a validator.
The Stratos-chain validator is a full-node that participates in the Stratos Chain block generation cycle and also voting for the validity of a block proposed.
You do not need to initiate your validator from block 1, which can take a long time to sync.
Instead, you can expedite the process by using the State Sync feature before starting the node.
Here are the required hardware/software to run a Stratos-chain full-node:
Minimum Hardware Requirements
CPU | RAM | Storage | Stake |
8 Coresยน, 2.5GHzยฒ | 32 GB | 2 TB | 1 STOSยณ |
ยน Can be achieved using dual CPU server configurations (eg. 2cpu x 8cores, as long as the frequency per core is respected).
ยฒ 2.5GHz refers to Base Frequency, not Turbo/Boost Frequency.
ยณ Minimum stake is 1 stos until all 100 validator spots are filled. After that, is marked decided.
Software (tested version)
- Ubuntu 18.04+
- Go 1.20+ linux/amd64
Setup Environment๐︎
In order to run a Stratos-chain full-node, you may need to build stratos-chain
source code yourself which requires Go 1.19+
, git
, curl
and make
This process depends on your operating system.
Linux Users๐︎
The following example is based on Ubuntu 18.04+ 64-bit(Debian) and assumes you are using a terminal environment by default.
Please run the equivalent commands if you are running other Linux distributions.
# Update the system
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
# Install git, snap and make(you can also install them separately as your needs)
sudo apt install git build-essential curl tmux libgmp3-dev flex bison jq --yes
# Install PBC library
wget https://crypto.stanford.edu/pbc/files/pbc-0.5.14.tar.gz
tar xfz pbc-0.5.14.tar.gz && cd pbc-0.5.14
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
Windows Users๐︎
It is possible to build and run the software on Windows. However, we did not test it on Windows completely.
It may give you unexpected results, or it may require additional setup.
An alternative option is to install a separate virtual Linux system using VirtualBox or VMware Workstation.
Setup a Stratos-chain full-node๐︎
Create a user account๐︎
To create a separated and more secure environment, it is recommended to create a separated user account stratos
to run your node.
Once the user account stratos
is created, switch and login the system using stratos
. You will proceed with the following steps in context of that user.
Get release files๐︎
There are two ways to get the these binary executables:
- Download pre-compiled executabled (for Ubuntu 18.04+ x86_64).
- Download source code and compile it yourself.
Please choose only one of them based on your operating system.
Pre-compiled executables๐︎
- Create executable folder and path:
The following binary stchaind
has been built and ready to be downloaded directly.
wget https://github.com/stratosnet/stratos-chain/releases/download/v0.12.2/stchaind \
-O ~/bin/stchaind && \
chmod +x ~/bin/stchaind
- Check the granularity
- Verify installation
๐ก This binary is built for Ubuntu 18.04+ amd64.
If you have other Linux kernels or you have any issues with the pre-compiled binary please, follow the next step to build your own binary from source code.
Otherwise, continue with Initialize the node.
Compile the source code๐︎
Before the following steps, please make sure you have Go 1.19+
installed .
# Check if go is already installed:
go version
# If it's not, you can install it with snapd:
sudo apt install snapd
sudo snap install go --classic
Alternatively, you can follow the official instructions: install golang.
- Build the extracted source code
git clone https://github.com/stratosnet/stratos-chain.git
cd stratos-chain
git checkout tags/v0.12.2
make build
- Installing the binary executable
mkdir ~/bin
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
cp build/stchaind ~/bin
chmod +x ~/bin/stchaind
- Verify installation
Initialize the node๐︎
Create folders and initialize the node:
Ignore the output since you need to download the genesis file.
๐ก You can choose any node moniker
. This will be your validator name.
- Download the
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stratosnet/mainnet/main/genesis/genesis.json \
-O ~/.stchaind/config/genesis.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stratosnet/mainnet/main/config.toml \
-O ~/.stchaind/config/config.toml
- Change
in the downloadedconfig.toml
Search moniker
(usually at Line #18) in the file and choose a name for your validator:
Directory structure๐︎
After you finished the above steps, your $HOME
folder should include the following directories and files.
โโโ ...
โโโ .stchaind
โ โโโ config
โ โ โโโ app.toml
โ โ โโโ config.toml
โ โ โโโ genesis.json
โ โ โโโ node_key.json
โ โ โโโ priv_validator_key.json
โ โโโ data
โ โ โโโ priv_validator_state.json
โ โโโ keyring-file
โโโ ...
๐ก By default, directory .stchaind
will be created in the $HOME
The .stchaind
folder contains the nodes` configurations and data.
Start the full-chain node๐︎
Joining the network at a later time after mainnet launch will require your node to download all the past blocks which, depending on how far ahead the network is, it could take hours or even days.
Stratos Chain now supports StateSync which enables your node to use a snapshot of the current chain and start the sync from there, which will only take a couple of minutes.
Please follow the StateSync Doc here BEFORE starting the node.
There are three ways to run your Stratos-chain full-node.
Please choose ONE of them to start the node.
In background๐︎
Use the following Linux Command to stop your node.
In foreground๐︎
As service๐︎
All below steps require root privileges
- Create the service file
Create the /lib/systemd/system/stratos.service
file with the following content
Description=Stratos Chain Node
ExecStart=/home/stratos/bin/stchaind start --home=/home/stratos/.stchaind
๐ก In the [service] section:
is your system login usernameExecStart
designates the absolute path to the binarystchaind
is the absolute path to your node folder.- We used the default values for these variables. If you use a different username, group or folder to hold your node data instead of the default values, please modify these values according to your situations. Make sure the above values are correct.
- Start your service
Once you have successfully created the service, you need to enable and start it by running
Service operations๐︎
- Check the service status
- Check service log
- Stop the service
Check node status๐︎
Once you start your full-node, it will connect to the peers and start syncing. You can check the status of the node by running the following command
The output will be similar to
"NodeInfo": {
"protocol_version": {
"p2p": "8",
"block": "11",
"app": "0"
"id": "431fa1be3ae34f83db720fcdeeaf7bd3c2a5976c",
"listen_addr": "tcp://",
"network": "stratos-1",
"version": "0.37.5",
"channels": "40202122233038606100",
"moniker": "your-node",
"other": {
"tx_index": "on",
"rpc_address": "tcp://"
"SyncInfo": {
"latest_block_hash": "D443883AB048660663F13A52A530DAC60972BE54088929E6ECA805BEA3D0EAE6",
"latest_app_hash": "BE719C38F2665CEEEED705BD42B4CADE05DD4B9E63F102EE8351CB8B50C690F8",
"latest_block_height": "4752278",
"latest_block_time": "2024-08-20T20:57:26.381005711Z",
"earliest_block_hash": "AB23DC591EE39725A719849B7DDAD6205D218586332E98912CE52DE9CE5D2A19",
"earliest_app_hash": "E152858E2B7B2BD6CC427CD9D9E6B8CAE3D2F7C854587BBA9B90262B1AEEA860",
"earliest_block_height": "630001",
"earliest_block_time": "2023-11-04T18:33:05.05823058Z",
"catching_up": false
"ValidatorInfo": {
"Address": "0AA17143FBF6AA55E157548B87AADBEDA5031FC0",
"PubKey": {
"type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
"value": "NIh+ybQFoHDiNd133LcwUYjmGxR8ITta/2G1gpcq/AU="
"VotingPower": "2703735768"
If the catching_up
value is false
in the sync_info
section, it means that you are fully synced.
If it is true
, it means your node is still syncing.
Setup a wallet๐︎
Once the node finishes catch-up, you are ready to operate your node for various transactions(tx) and queries.
In order to hold the tokens that you will later delegate to your validator node, or pay staking for your SDS resource node, first, you need to create a local wallet account.
Create a new wallet๐︎
To create a new wallet account, type the following command
๐ก You can replace wallet1
with another name of your choosing.
After creating a new local wallet account, you will get its address
and pubkey
In addition, you will have a secret recovery phrase(mnemonic phrase) which can be used to recover an existing wallet account and should be kept secret.
stchaind keys add wallet1 --hd-path="m/44'/606'/0'/0/0" --keyring-backend=file
- name: wallet1
type: local
address: st1x2c6gy4vr8alsyzuqr2x8x8xxtvs97sk3jt6dp
pubkey: '{"@type":"/stratos.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"A7HCZTlHEarBPabkOgId5SlyQKdqEsbXJHit7y9LXRy+"}'
mnemonic: ""
**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.
venue chest pattern tool certain identify adult theme thing public foster promote pave topple thing uncle brisk suffer present popular envelope wrap holiday goddess
Recover an existing wallet๐︎
If you already have a Stratos wallet account, you can recover it by typing the following command
๐ก You can replace wallet1
with another name of your choosing.
After the above keys add
command executed, a keyring-file
folder will be created under ~/.stchaind
which contains your wallets' information with their addresses.
The keyring-file
folder looks like
โโโ 2aee376318ab1d893383befee766d3a362aa34d1.address
โโโ keyhash
โโโ wallet1.info
Check your wallet๐︎
There are two ways to check your local wallets
- Check all local wallet accounts
stchaind keys list --keyring-backend=file
- address: st16uzr20lx072gexwjuvg94hz3t8y73u4085s9sw
name: wallet1
pubkey: '{"@type":"/stratos.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"A/wF15Wd3ogCXstE7S4Zf3DA4KXb0W7exQhP004PLTi3"}'
type: local
- address: st1dz20dmhjkuc2tur3amgl8t45w807a640leh8p0
name: user1
pubkey: '{"@type":"/stratos.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"AgnhB5EkHL8+jD0/zRDR11nIpfOirTRrjgCX6uibhmDW"}'
type: local
- address: st1lkcrz3ktt2p7ppu9arglpqcn94pcdd9a9pmatf
name: user10
pubkey: '{"@type":"/stratos.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"A2sZ2Z9BU9oDELC06Gj8Lfc5UycxTaPux3sEIq8sIzSW"}'
type: local
- address: st16czjk2ym0prgvy4gl970t84vrp96s5kayfqmf2
name: user2
pubkey: '{"@type":"/stratos.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"AwfcJTOVWdx6ai61cy8VGJ1SdWHzwm2CCmr/+PwSpFeR"}'
type: local
- address: st17patveqxcq42rguc7nayr2g3jtawpzvhfmmumt
name: user3
pubkey: '{"@type":"/stratos.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"AtFxbuB4s+2SYzImGPIBwe0H0mKCXbIPu1T63OvbgE/3"}'
type: local
- Check a specific local wallet account
stchaind keys show wallet1 --keyring-backend=file
- address: st16rzhy6wy2rupydps0gem69y2cnus2j09n42ksx
name: wallet1
pubkey: '{"@type":"/stratos.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"A13YKi3/7p9FsFPTfVgxEO0YK8bnDHmBPfA3ID+k37ET"}'
type: local
- Check wallet account info and balance
You can query your account information using this command:
stchaind query account st1sqzsk8mplv5248gx6dddzzxweqvew8rtst96fx
'@type': /cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount
account_number: "1"
address: st1sqzsk8mplv5248gx6dddzzxweqvew8rtst96fx
'@type': /stratos.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey
key: A7jyRacJN1YLbmDxlA6qhs2yNHQle+ketWaUPhTuJUS2
sequence: "132"
You can query your wallet balances using this command:
stchaind query bank balances st1d3qtsjyypa639q9kf0wmuf2dn4a7zrnujw84q4
- amount: "9998000000000000000"
denom: wei
next_key: null
total: "0
- Try your first tx -
This tx command will send an amount of tokens from one wallet address to another:
stchaind tx bank send <from address> <to address> <amount> \
--keyring-backend=file \
--chain-id=stratos-1 \
--gas=auto \
--gas-prices=1000000000wei \
- For
, see Networks. - Make sure your
<from address>
has enough tokens - Please wait for around 7 seconds for block generation after a transaction.
Let us assume:
- from address:
- to address:
- amount:
stchaind tx bank send st1dz20dmhjkuc2tur3amgl8t45w807a640leh8p0 \
st123wun5lnwerdrt0mk2uxtusgawpfr228a0sseg 1stos \
--keyring-backend=file \
--chain-id=stratos-1 \
--gas=auto \
--gas-prices=1000000000wei \
Enter keyring passphrase (attempt 1/3):
gas estimate: 117088
- amount: "117088000000000"
denom: wei
gas_limit: "117088"
granter: ""
payer: ""
signer_infos: []
tip: null
extension_options: []
memo: ""
- '@type': /cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend
- amount: "100000000000000000"
denom: wei
from_address: st1dz20dmhjkuc2tur3amgl8t45w807a640leh8p0
to_address: st123wun5lnwerdrt0mk2uxtusgawpfr228a0sseg
non_critical_extension_options: []
timeout_height: "0"
signatures: []
confirm transaction before signing and broadcasting [y/N]: y
code: 0
codespace: ""
data: ""
events: []
gas_used: "0"
gas_wanted: "0"
height: "0"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: '[]'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: B8E22210FD5A654E900FA83340D955E07D1DD5FFF27FRAF0FB5FB0F7CC1D4A50
At this point, you have a Full-Chain Node.
Full-Chain nodes are also important to the network as they are able to handle queries from a client and provide scale for the validator. They are also able to mantain historical information about the state of the chain.
But they are not able to accept transactions from clients, validate them and insert them into the blockchain, like Validators do. So they won't be earning any rewards.
To convert your Full-Node to a Validator, please follow the next guide.