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ppd Commands

ppd terminal subcommands are used to operate PP(resource) node in ppd terminal command-line terminal


Show all the ppd terminal sub-commands' description.


help                                                           show all the commands
wallets                                                        acquire all wallet wallets' address
newwallet                                                      create new wallet, input password in prompt
registerpeer                                                   register peer to meta node
rp                                                             register peer to meta node
activate <amount> <fee> [--gas=<gas>]                          send transaction to stchain to become an active PP node
updateDeposit <depositDelta> <fee> [--gas=<gas>]               send transaction to stchain to update active pp's deposit
deactivate <fee> [--gas=<gas>]                                 send transaction to stchain to stop being an active PP node
startmining                                                    start mining
prepay <amount> <fee> [--beneficiary=<beneficiary>] [--gas=<gas>]              
                                                               prepay stos to get ozone
put <filepath> [--isEncrypted=<isEncrypted>] [--nodeTier=<nodeTier>] [--allowHigherTier=<allowHigherTier>]
                                                               upload file, need to consume ozone
putstream <filepath> [--nodeTier=<nodeTier>] [--allowHigherTier=<allowHigherTier>]
                                                               upload video file for streaming, need to consume ozone. (alpha version, encode format config impossible)
list <filename>                                                query uploaded file by self
list <page id>                                                 query all files owned by the wallet, paginated
delete <filehash>                                              delete file
get <sdm://account/filehash> <saveAs>                          download file, need to consume ozone
    e.g:Β get sdm://st1jn9skjsnxv26mekd8eu8a8aquh34v0m4mwgahg/v05ahm50ugfjrgd3ga8mqi6bqka32ks3dooe1p9g
sharefile <filehash> <duration> <is_private>                   share an uploaded file
allshare                                                       list all shared files
getsharefile <sharelink> <password>                            download a shared file, need to consume ozone
cancelshare <shareID>                                          cancel a shared file
clearexpshare                                                  clear all expired share links
ver                                                            version
monitor                                                        show monitor
stopmonitor                                                    stop monitor
monitortoken                                                   show token for pp monitor service
config  <key> <value>                                          set config key value
getoz <walletAddress>                                          get current ozone balance
status                                                         get current resource node status
filestatus <filehash>                                          get current state of an uploaded file
backupstatus <filehash>                                        get backup status of an file
maintenance start <duration>                                   put the node in maintenance mode for the requested duration (in seconds)
maintenance stop                                               stop the current maintenance
downgradeinfo                                                  get information of last downgrade happened on this pp node
performancemeasure                                             turn on performance measurement log for 60 seconds
withdraw <amount> <fee> [--targetAddr=<targetAddr>] [--gas=<gas>]
                                                               withdraw matured reward (from address is the configured node wallet)
send <toAddress> <amount> <fee> [--gas=<gas>]                  sending coins to another account (from address is the configured node wallet)
updateinfo <fee> [--moniker=<moniker>] [--identity=<identity>] [--website=<website>]
           [--security_contact=<security_contact>] [--details=<details>] [--gas=<gas>]
                                                               update pp node info, including the beneficiary address from config file


acquire all wallets' addresses



[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:18:07 account.go:109: st16v5pcrj9m6fgmwm7w0fn6dyxe8er3dk2nqqrhf
[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:18:07 account.go:109: st1sqzsk8mplv5248gx6dddzzxweqvew8rtst96fx


create a new wallet or recover an existing wallet, input password after prompt

newwallet <wallet_name>


>newwallet mySecondWallet
Enter wallet nickname: mySecondWallet
Enter password: 
Enter password again: 
input bip39 mnemonic (leave blank to generate a new one)
input hd-path for the account, default: "m/44'/606'/0'/0/0" : 
save the mnemonic phase properly for future recovery: 
mother bracket treat warfare become win ivory harvest course reform theory issue group super alpha library despair sustain orient shrug lizard bulk mistake magnet

[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:17:00 setup_wallet.go:61: Wallet st16v5pcrj9m6fgmwm7w0fn6dyxe8er3dk2nqqrhf has been generated successfully
Do you want to use this wallet as your node wallet: Y(es)/N(o): y
[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:17:03 setting.go:291: finished changing configuration file  wallet_address:  st16v5pcrj9m6fgmwm7w0fn6dyxe8er3dk2nqqrhf

rp or registerpeerπŸ”—︎

Register a Resource Node to an SP(meta) node.


>[INFO] 2023/01/11 19:10:45 register_new_pp.go:25: get RspRegisterNewPP
[INFO] 2023/01/11 19:10:45 register_new_pp.go:31: get RspRegisterNewPP RES_SUCCESS 
[INFO] 2023/01/11 19:10:45 register_new_pp.go:40: registered as PP successfully, you can deposit by `activate`


After receiving the response registered as PP successfully, you can deposit by activate, you can execute the next activate command to activate your resource node.

rp or registerpeer command may raise an error because of its CPU chips which are not supported by SDS currently. For instance

# Run on Macs with an Arm-based M1 chip

[ERROR]2022/04/15 11:38:22 service.go:185: RPC method sds_registerPP crashed: runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0


Send transaction to Stratos chain to become an active Resource Node

activate <amount> <fee> [--gas=gas] 


amount is the amount of tokens you want to deposit. 1stos = 10^9gwei = 10^18wei.

fee is the amount of tokens to pay as a fee for the activation transaction. 10000wei would work. It will use default value if not provide.

gas is the amount of gas to pay for the transaction. 1000000 would be a safe number. It will use default value if not provide.


>activate 2stos 0.01stos --gas=1000000
Request Accepted
[INFO] 2023/01/12 18:49:39 activate.go:66: get RspActivatePP RES_SUCCESS 
[INFO] 2023/01/12 18:49:41 activate.go:83: The activation transaction was broadcast


Update deposit of an active resource node.

updateDeposit <depositDelta> <fee> [--gas=gas] 


depositDelta is the absolute amount of difference between the original and the updated deposit. It should be a positive valid token, in the unit of stos/gwei/wei.

When a resource node is suspended, use this command to update its state and re-start mining by increasing its deposit.


The following command will increase 1stos to deposit, use 10000gwei for tx fees and 1000000 for tx gas.

>updateDeposit 1stos 1000000gwei --gas=1000000
Request Accepted


When a resource node is Mining: SUSPEND due to poor performance(e.g., frequently offline, task uncompleted, unstable connection, unreachable node, etc.), use this command to update its state and re-start mining by increasing its deposit.


send transaction to Stratos-chain to stop being an active resource node

deactivate <fee> [--gas=gas]


>deactivate 10000000gwei --gas=1000000


Resource node will start to receive tasks from meta nodes and thus gain mining rewards. From SDS v0.7.0, user does not need to use this command any more since resource node will start mining automatically when the status of a resource node is Mining: ONLINE.




Ozone is the unit of traffic used by SDS. Operations involving network traffic require ozone to be executed. User can always prepay stos to get Ozone any time before uploading/downloading files.

prepay <amount> <fee> [--beneficiary=<beneficiary>] [--gas=<gas>]  


amount is the amount of tokens you want to spend to purchase ozone.

The other two parameters are the same as above.


>prepay 1stos 6000000gwei --gas=6000000
Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2023/01/12 10:59:07 prepay.go:24: Sending prepay message to SP! st172v4u8ysfgaphjs8uyy0svvc6d6tzl6gp07kn4
[INFO] 2023/01/12 10:59:07 prepay.go:37: get RspPrepay RES_SUCCESS 
[INFO] 2023/01/12 10:59:09 prepay.go:46: The prepay transaction was broadcast


upload a file. It will consume Ozone.

put <filepath> [--isEncrypted=<isEncrypted>] [--nodeTier=<nodeTier>] [--allowHigherTier=<allowHigherTier>]
filepath is the location of the file to upload, starting from your resource node folder. It is better to be an absolute path.


>put relayd/node1/relayd.toml
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:00:05 requests.go:178: fileName~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ relayd.toml
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:00:05 requests.go:184: fileHash~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v05ahm51l6v6tm2vqc682b9sicom61fgkoqdl0pg
Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:00:07 upload_slice.go:341: fileHash: v05ahm51l6v6tm2vqc682b9sicom61fgkoqdl0pg  uploaded:100.00 %
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:00:07 print.go:20: ####################################################################################################


Upload a media file for streaming

Streaming is the continuous transmission of audio or video files(media files) from a server to a client. In order to upload a streaming file, first you need to install a tool ffmpeg for transcoding multimedia files.


Please note that once a media file is uploaded via this command in streaming format, it is not allowed to be downloaded via regular get command in the current version. Instead, it has to be played through the APIs that are designed for playing streaming videos.

In Linux Terminal:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffmpeg

# use ffmpeg -version to check its version
ffmpeg -version
In MacOS Terminal:

brew update
brew install ffmpeg

Then, use putstream command to upload a media file

putstream <filepath> [--nodeTier=<nodeTier>] [--allowHigherTier=<allowHigherTier>]

filepath is the absolute path of the file to be uploaded, or a relative path starting from the root directory of the resource node.


putstream example_01.mp4

list or lsπŸ”—︎

List all uploaded files


list <filename>πŸ”—︎

Query a specific uploaded file by name

ls filename


>ls relayd.toml
Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:01:58 find_file.go:71: _______________________________
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:01:58 find_file.go:76: File name: relayd.toml
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:01:58 find_file.go:77: File hash: v05ahm51l6v6tm2vqc682b9sicom61fgkoqdl0pg
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:01:58 find_file.go:79: CreateTime : 1673542807
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:01:58 find_file.go:88: ===============================
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:01:58 find_file.go:89: Total: 1  Page: 0

list <page_id>πŸ”—︎

Query all files owned, paginated by 20 items per page by default, starting with page 0.

ls page_id


>ls 0
Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:03:07 find_file.go:71: _______________________________
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:03:07 find_file.go:76: File name: relayd.toml
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:03:07 find_file.go:77: File hash: v05ahm51l6v6tm2vqc682b9sicom61fgkoqdl0pg
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:03:07 find_file.go:79: CreateTime : 1673542807
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:03:07 find_file.go:88: ===============================
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:03:07 find_file.go:89: Total: 1  Page: 0


Delete an uploaded file

delete <filehash>


>delete v05ahm51l6v6tm2vqc682b9sicom61fgkoqdl0pg
Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:04:51 delete_file.go:36: delete success


Download an uploaded file

get <sdm://account/filehash> [saveAs]


Every file uploaded to SDS is attributed with a unique file hash.

View the file hash for each of your files when you list your uploaded files.

Use the optional parameter saveAs to rename the file.

The downloaded files will be saved into the folder download by default under the root directory of your resource node, like

β”œβ”€β”€ accounts
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ st1la7aj36gk88puz3026t3mkqfeu4q8paj3rs4gk.json
β”‚Β Β  └── stsds1x5cse46ru8phd0435ncm04vh4mzj8ntp8rtpu4.json
β”œβ”€β”€ configs
β”‚Β Β  └── config.toml
β”œβ”€β”€ download                # default downloading dir
β”‚Β Β  └──       # downloaded file
β”œβ”€β”€ peers
β”‚Β Β  └── pp-list
└── tmp
    └── logs

The download folder is defined by download_path in the file configs/config.toml under the root directory of your resource node.


>get sdm://st172v4u8ysfgaphjs8uyy0svvc6d6tzl6gp07kn4/v05ahm51l6v6tm2vqc682b9sicom61fgkoqdl0pg
Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:47:31 query_file_info.go:253: get,RspFileStorageInfo

[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:47:31 download_slice.go:391: download starts: 
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:47:31 download_task.go:431: downloaded:100.00 % 


Share(public) an uploaded file

sharefile <filehash> <duration> <is_private>


duration is time period(in seconds) when the file share expires. Put 0 for unlimited time.

is_private is whether the file share should be protected by a password. Put 0 for public file without password, and 1 for private file with a password.

After this command has been executed successfully, SDS will provide a password to this shared file, like m216.Please keep this password for future use.


>sharefile v05ahm51l6v6tm2vqc682b9sicom61fgkoqdl0pg 0 1
Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:53:04 share.go:131: ShareId 348f79a5a0963a56
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:53:04 share.go:132: ShareLink hFu8ce_348f79a5a0963a56
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:53:04 share.go:133: SharePassword m216


List All Shared Files.



Request Accepted
> [INFO] 2023/01/12 12:30:21 share.go:75: _______________________________
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:30:21 share.go:76: file_name: relayd.toml
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:30:21 share.go:77: file_hash: v05ahm51l6v6tm2vqc682b9sicom61fgkoqdl0pg
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:30:21 share.go:78: file_size: 676
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:30:21 share.go:79: link_time: 1673544576
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:30:21 share.go:80: link_time_exp: 1689096576
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:30:21 share.go:81: ShareId: e9546b33e3d63285
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:30:21 share.go:82: ShareLink: 4RREV0_e9546b33e3d63285


Download a shared file.

getsharefile <sharelink> [password]


Leave the password blank if it's a public shared file.

sharelink could be found when your use allshare to list all available shared files.

The downloaded files will be saved into the folder download by default under the root directory of your resource node.


>getsharefile 4RREV0_e9546b33e3d63285
Request Accepted
> [INFO] 2023/01/12 12:31:38 share.go:216: get RspGetShareFile RES_SUCCESS request success
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:31:38 share.go:222: FileInfo: [file_size:676  file_hash:"v05ahm51l6v6tm2vqc682b9sicom61fgkoqdl0pg"  file_name:"relayd.toml"  create_time:1673542807  owner_wallet_address:"st172v4u8ysfgaphjs8uyy0svvc6d6tzl6gp07kn4"  share_link:"4RREV0_e9546b33e3d63285"]
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:31:38 query_file_info.go:253: get,RspFileStorageInfo

[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:31:38 download_slice.go:391: download starts: 
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:31:39 download_task.go:431: downloaded:100.00 % 

[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:31:39 print.go:20: ####################################################################################################


Cancel file share

cancelshare <shareID>

shareID could be found when your use allshare to list all available shared files


>cancelshare e9546b33e3d63285
Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:52:20 share.go:172: cancel share success: e9546b33e3d63285


Deletes all the expired shared links.



Request Accepted
[INFO] 2023/08/08 09:41:24 clear_expired_share.go:52: ClearExpiredShareLinks done, 8 cleared, 0 remaining


show current SDS version


version: v0.10.0


View resource utilization.



# show the resource utilization monitor
[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:13:09 sys.go:143: __________________________________________________________________________
[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:13:09 sys.go:144:         Mem         : 15967 MB  Free: 9497 MB Used:6127 Usage:38.372995%
[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:13:09 sys.go:149:         CPU          : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz   1 cores 
[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:13:09 sys.go:149:         CPU          : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz   1 cores 
[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:13:09 sys.go:149:         CPU          : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz   1 cores 
[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:13:09 sys.go:149:         CPU          : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz   1 cores 
[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:13:09 sys.go:158:         CPU Used    : 93.367347% 
[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:13:09 sys.go:161:         HD          : 343 GB  Free: 160 GB Usage:51.431241% Path:/home/hong/stratos/sds-tropos5/sds/example/network/node1
[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:13:09 sys.go:201:         Upload      : 0.000000 MB/s 
[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:13:09 sys.go:202:         Download    : 0.000000 MB/s 
[INFO] 2023/01/12 11:13:09 sys.go:203: __________________________________________________________________________


Hide the resource utilization monitor



show token for Resource Node monitor service.

> monitortoken
Monitor token is: dddd608cc1c0efaf6b87267088dbc4b099b0db0758f476e625763580991a086c
The returned token can be used for logging in to resource node monitor.


Change a config key value pair in the file configs/config.toml(note: need quotes for string input. Cannot have a space character in the string).

config <key> <value>

config keys.wallet_password 'stratos'


Query ozone balance of a node's wallet

getoz <walletAddress>


>getoz st14d6vt45ws2fz9kgma5wlcfc283xr6pqgp3sklu
input password
Request Accepted
> [INFO] 2023/01/12 11:01:27 get_wallet_oz.go:42: get GetWalletOz RSP, the current ozone balance of st172v4u8ysfgaphjs8uyy0svvc6d6tzl6gp07kn4 = 1008215085885, 


Query the current status of a resource node.



Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2023/01/12 10:57:01 get_pp_status.go:80: *** current node status ***
Activation: Active | Registration Status: Registered | Mining: ONLINE | Initial tier: 1 | Ongoing tier: 1 | Weight score: 5480


Activation indicates the activation state of a resource node, including Active, Inactive and Unbonding.

Registration indicates the registration of a resource node, including Unregistered, Registering and Registered.

Mining indicates the mining state of a resource node, including ONLINE, OFFLINE, SUSPEND and MAINTENANCE.

When a resource node becomes Mining: SUSPEND due to its poor performance, user may use updateDeposit command to update its state and re-start mining by increasing its deposit.

Meta Node assigns a Weight score to Resource Node depending on its performance. The more Weight score a Resource Node has, the more priority it has to be assigned tasks.


Shows current state of an uploaded file.

filestatus <filehash>


>filestatus v05ahm57vf1fh2k9k3c84acha4q4m1pj6ufdppho
Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2023/08/08 10:01:43 query_file_info.go:255: get RspFileStatus
[INFO] 2023/08/08 10:01:43 query_file_info.go:277: RspFileStatus: {"return":"0","file_upload_state":3,"user_has_file":true,"replicas":3}


Shows backup state of a file.

backupstatus <filehash>


>filestatus v05j1m52dltbs6ift7atcsup2ab9vh03umdp7pqo
Request Accepted
  >[INFO] 2024/04/22 21:38:12 upload_file.go:192: Backup status for file v05j1m52dltbs6ift7atcsup2ab9vh03umdp7pqo: current_replica is 5, desired_replica is 5, ongoing_backups is 0, delete_origin is true, need_reupload is false
  [INFO] 2024/04/22 21:38:12 upload_file.go:196: Backup is finished for file v05j1m52dltbs6ift7atcsup2ab9vh03umdp7pqo, delete all the temporary slices 

maintenance startπŸ”—︎

Claim a maintenance. Put the resource node in maintenance mode for the requested duration (in seconds).

maintenance start <duration> 


  • maintenance start <duration> command starts a maintenance activity and switches the node into maintenance mode for the requested duration (in seconds);
  • While a Resource Node is in maintenance mode, it will be opt-out from any download/upload/backup tasks;
  • While a Resource Node is in maintenance mode, it will NOT be slashed for its off-line;
  • The maintenance allowance is maxed out after reach 1% up-time per year(around 87h). Then, any maintenance request will be rejected;
  • The maintenance allowance will be tracked and be reset every calendar year for all nodes;
  • When using the maintenance stop to stop the current maintenance, or the maintenance period is over, the node status reverts to offline and is ready to restart mining. It acts as usual to earn rewards or be slashed.


>maintenance start 600
Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:57:21 maintenance.go:19: Sending maintenance start request to SP!

Request Accepted
> [INFO] 2023/01/12 12:58:19 get_pp_status.go:80: *** current node status ***
Activation: Active | Mining: MAINTENANCE | Initial tier: 1 | Ongoing tier: 1 | Weight score: 5020
Note: Mining: MAINTENANCE indicates that this node is in maintenance mode.

maintenance stopπŸ”—︎

stop the current maintenance.

>maintenance stop
Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:58:35 maintenance.go:26: Sending maintenance stop request to SP!
[INFO] 2023/01/12 12:58:38 register_to_sp.go:104: start mining

Request Accepted
> [INFO] 2023/01/12 12:59:22 get_pp_status.go:80: *** current node status ***
Activation: Active | Mining: ONLINE | Initial tier: 1 | Ongoing tier: 1 | Weight score: 5020


Get the information of last downgrade happened on this resource node.

> downgradeinfo
Request Accepted
> [INFO] 2023/01/12 10:43:12 get_pp_downgrade_info.go:24: PP downgrade happened at: 111624 (heights) ago, 
at SP node stsds15sya4n40da64z6n6hvk0p9f7sx72hqpjjnrf9y, score decreased by 9999


Turn on performance measurement log for 60 seconds.

> performancemeasure


Withdraw matured reward.

withdraw <amount> <fee> [--targetAddr=<targetAddr>] [--gas=<gas>]


> withdraw 100stos 0.01stos --targetAddr=st19tgvkz4d4uqv68ahn90vc4mhuh63g2l7u4ad6l
> [INFO] 2023/11/30 05:51:38 withdraw.go:42: Withdraw transaction delivered.


Sending coins to another account.

send <toAddress> <amount> <fee> [--gas=<gas>]


> send st19tgvkz4d4uqv68ahn90vc4mhuh63g2l7u4ad6l 100wei 0.01stos --gas=6000000
> [INFO] 2023/07/10 11:32:43 send.go:35: Send transaction delivered.


update pp node info, including the beneficiary address from config file

updateinfo <fee> [--moniker=<moniker>] [--identity=<identity>] [--website=<website>] [--security_contact=<security_contact>] [--details=<details>] [--gas=<gas>]


>updateinfo 0.1stos --gas=1000000
Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2024/05/13 09:56:21 update_resource_node.go:66: Send transaction delivered.

>updateinfo 0.1stos --moniker=newmoniker --identity=newIdentity --website=newWebsite --security_contact=newSecurityContact --details=newDdetails --gas=1000000
Request Accepted
>[INFO] 2024/05/13 09:58:13 update_resource_node.go:66: Send transaction delivered.

You can exit the ppd terminal command-line terminal by typing exit and leave the ppd start terminal to run the resource node in background.